Install and upgrade cert-manager

A guide showing you how to install and upgrade cert-manager


If you have a namespace named elx-cert-manager you first need to remove some resources.

kubectl -n elx-cert-manager delete svc cert-manager cert-manager-webhook
kubectl -n elx-cert-manager delete deployments.apps cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector cert-manager-webhook
kubectl delete namespace elx-cert-manager


To install cert-manager run

kubectl apply -f

This will install cert-manager in the cert-manager namespace.

To verify the installation is easily done with cmctl (cert-manager CLI

cmctl check api

If everything is working you should get this message The cert-manager API is ready

You can also verify it manually following this guide (


To upgrade cert-manager installed using our instructions (static manifest) follow the instructions here

Last modified April 22, 2024: added useful options (#171) (7e11b10)