Copy files between environments

How to copy files between environments


This guide will help you getting started with moving files between environments using the Jelastic GUI.

Export directory

  1. Find the configuration wrench on the Application Servers source node.


  1. Go to folder /var/www/webroot (via favorites to the left). Click the cogwheel on the ROOT folder as shown on the image below and choose Export


  1. Make sure to choose the correct target container where your target Application Server is at.


  1. Here we use the path /var/www/webroot/FROM_SOURCE which will create and mount this folder on the source environments Application Server.


Copy files

  1. Click the configuration wrench on the target environment’s Application Server.


  1. To the left, click the cogwheel and click Copy Path, which will copy the full path location to your clipboard.


  1. Click on the terminal icon to engage the Web SSH terminal


  1. In the terminal you should write cd then paste previously copied path /var/www/webroot and then enter. After that you should see the folder FROM_SOURCE executing ls -l as shown on the image below.


  1. Now you should be able to copy files as shown below. Using the --verbose flags gives you this output.


  1. You can confirm that the files been copied by browsing to that folder in the GUI.


Clean up

  1. Unmount the exported directory on the target application server as shown below.


Last modified April 22, 2024: added useful options (#171) (7e11b10)