Terraform Backend

Overview and example configuration


Swift is accessable with the s3 backend. To get the access and secret key follow this guide. EC2 credentials

Example configuration

This is what you need to get the s3 backend to work with swift.

backend "s3" {
  bucket = "<The bucket you want to use>"
  key    = "<Path and name to tf state file>"
  endpoint   = "https://swift.elastx.cloud"
  sts_endpoint = "https://swift.elastx.cloud"
  access_key = "<Puth your access key here>"
  secret_key = "<Put your secret key here>"
  region = "us-east-1"
  force_path_style = "true"
  skip_credentials_validation = "true"

key variable example: “path/to/tf-state-file”.

This is the path in the bucket.

Last modified April 22, 2024: added useful options (#171) (7e11b10)