Changelog for Kubernetes 1.25

Changelog for Kubernetes 1.25


  • Kubernetes 1.25.6
  • Nginx-ingress: 1.4.0
  • Certmanager: 1.11.0

Major changes

  • Pod Security Policies has been removed.
  • CronJob API batch/v1beta1 has been removed and is replaced with batch/v1 that was implemented in Kubernetes 1.21
  • EndpointSlice API has been removed and is replaced with that was implemented in Kubernetes 1.21
  • Event API has been removed and is replaced with that was implemented in Kubernetes 1.19
  • PodDisruptionBudget API policy/v1beta1 has been removed and is replaced with policy/v1 that was implemented in Kubernetes 1.21
  • RuntimeClass API has been removed and is replaced with that was implemented in Kubernetes 1.20


Note that all deprecations will be removed in a future Kubernetes release. This does not mean you need to perform any changes right now. However, we recommend you to start migrating your applications in order to avoid issues in future releases.

  • In Kubernetes 1.26 the storage class 4k will be removed from all clusters. This only affects clusters created prior to Kubernetes 1.23. Instead use the v1-dynamic-40 which is the default storage class since Kubernetes 1.23. This change was originally planned for Kuberntes 1.25 however has been pushed back to 1.26 to allow some extra time for migrations.

APIs removed in Kubernetes 1.26

More details can be found in Kubernetes official documentation.

  • Flow control resources The replacement was implemented in Kubernetes 1.23
  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler autoscaling/v2beta2. The replacement autoscaling/v2 was introduced in Kubernetes 1.23

APIs removed in Kubernetes 1.27

More details can be found in Kubernetes official documentation.

  • CSIStorageCapacity The replacement was implemented in Kubernetes 1.24

Other noteworthy deprecations

Kubernetes beta topology labels on nodes are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can follow the list below to see which labels are being replaced:

Please note: The following changes does not have a set Kubernetes release. However, the replacement labels are already implemented.

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Is downtime expected

The upgrade drains (move all workload from) one node at the time, patches that node and brings it back in the cluster. First after all deployments and statefulsets are running again we will continue on with the next node.

Known issues

Custom node taints and labels lost during upgrade

All custom taints and labels on worker and control-plane nodes are lost during upgrade.

Custom changes to non -customer security groups will be lost

All changes to security groups not suffixed with “-customer” will be lost during the upgrade.

Snapshots are not working

There is currently a limitation in the snapshot controller not making it topology aware.

Last modified April 22, 2024: added useful options (#171) (7e11b10)