Volume Retype

Guide to change volume type


This guide will help you getting started with changing volume type in OpenStack’s Horizon and CLI, by using the retype function.

Note: For volumes with -enc suffix it is required to work with the volume in detached mode

In this example, we will use a detached volume with the type 16k-IOPS-enc.

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Volume retype from Horizon

Navigate to “Project” → “Volumes” choose the volume you want to retype and press the ⬇ arrow next to Edit Volume and select Change Volume Type.


Choose Type

In the pop-up window, choose a new type and set Migration Policy to On Demand.


Check status

The volume status will change to retyping, this can take a while depending on the volume size. After everything is done, the volume will have the status available.


Volume retype using OpenStack CLI

List all available volumes: openstack volume list --long.

openstack volume list --long
| ID                                   | Name             | Status    | Size | Type         | Bootable | Attached to                          | Properties                           |
| ad2ca224-78e0-4930-941e-596bbea05b95 | encrypted-volume | available |    1 | 16k-IOPS-enc | false    |                                      |                                      |
| db329723-1a3e-4fb9-be07-da6e0a5ff0b1 |                  | in-use    |   20 | 4k-IOPS      | true     | Attached to docker-test on /dev/vda  | attached_mode='rw', readonly='False' |

Retype volume with: openstack volume set --type <volume-type> --retype-policy on-demand <Volume ID or Name>.

openstack volume set --type 16k-IOPS --retype-policy on-demand ad2ca224-78e0-4930-941e-596bbea05b95

openstack volume list --long
| ID                                   | Name             | Status   | Size | Type         | Bootable | Attached to                          | Properties                           |
| ad2ca224-78e0-4930-941e-596bbea05b95 | encrypted-volume | retyping |    1 | 16k-IOPS-enc | false    |                                      |                                      |
| db329723-1a3e-4fb9-be07-da6e0a5ff0b1 |                  | in-use   |   20 | 4k-IOPS      | true     | Attached to docker-test on /dev/vda  | attached_mode='rw', readonly='False' |

When retyping is done, status will be shown as: available.

openstack volume list --long
| ID                                   | Name             | Status    | Size | Type     | Bootable | Attached to                          | Properties                           |
| ad2ca224-78e0-4930-941e-596bbea05b95 | encrypted-volume | available |    1 | 16k-IOPS | false    |                                      |                                      |
| db329723-1a3e-4fb9-be07-da6e0a5ff0b1 |                  | in-use    |   20 | 4k-IOPS  | true     | Attached to docker-test on /dev/vda  | attached_mode='rw', readonly='False' |
Last modified April 22, 2024: added useful options (#171) (7e11b10)