
Guides for using ELASTX OpenStack IaaS


User and project management through Horizon, Openstack web interface

Affinity Policy

Guide for using Affinity Policies

API access

Consumption of OpenStack REST APIs

Application credentials

Guide to get started with application credentials


Storing highly sensitive data for applications in OpenStack

Detach & Attach interface on a Ubuntu instance

Guide on how to detach and attach a network interface on a Ubuntu instance

EC2 Credentials

EC2 credentials are used to access Swift object storage using the S3 protocol

Getting started with OpenStack

Guide to setup OpenStack


Load balancer as a service for OpenStack

Recover root password or failed mount

Guide to recover root password or failed mount on a Centos 7 instance

Required xfs mount options

How to add required mount options for xfs

Swift ACL

Guide for managing Swift permissions with ACLs

Swift getting started

A guide to get started with Swift object storage

Swift S3 compatibility

Overview and example configuration

Terraform Backend

Overview and example configuration

Volume Backup & Restore

Guide to backup & restore a Volume

Volume Retype

Guide to change volume type

Last modified April 17, 2024: Added dbaas ga announcement (#169) (5b4176a)